change to Year
Dialogues Dangereux (Dangerous Dialogues) – improvisation for two prepared trumpets in Bb or C (one player) (12′) (2017-19)
Dialogues Extatiques (Ecstatic Dialogues) – improvisation for prepared and amplified double bass (12′) (2017-19)
Dialogues Tremblants III (Trembling Dialogues) – improvisation for prepared (large) pipe organ (three players), prepared soprano and prepared clarinet (20′) (2015-18)
Dialogues Tremblants II (Trembling Dialogues) for prepared (large) pipe organ (three players), prepared contrabassoon and prepared tuba (20′) (2015-17)
Dialogues Rêvants (Dreaming Dialogues) for prepared (electroacoustic) harp (16′) (2014-17)
Dialogues Tremblants I (Trembling Dialogues) – improvisation for prepared (large) pipe organ and two players (15’30”) (2015)
Dialogues Sauvages (Wild Dialogues) for prepared Paetzold square bass recorder in F or C (12′) (2013-14)
Dialogues Fragiles (Fragile Dialogues) for prepared violin (8′) (2011)
Étude Théâtrale de l’Exploration du Timbre (Theatrical Study on the Exploration of Sound) for prepared piano (10’10”) (2008-09)
Trois Impromptus (Three Impromptus) for solo viola (11′) (2005)
Moving Space – improvisation for prepared quintet (trb, pc, pf, vl, vc) (10′) (2018)
Newborn for prepared sextet (cl in Bb, trb, pc, hp, pf, vc) (7′) (2016-18)
Mascarade Macabre (Macabre Masquerade) for extended percussion trio (8′) (2015-17)
Le carnaval des animaux (The Carnival of the Animals) for prepared brass quintet (12′) (2016)
Mascarade Obscure (Obscure Masquerade) for prepared wind quintet mouthpieces (8′) (2010-16)
Sandrose (Sand Rose) for prepared quartet (cl in Bb, pc, pf, va) (12′) (2012-15)
Transe-Formation (Trance-Formation) for prepared electric guitar trio (12′) (2013)
Incontro Concertante (Concertante Encounter) for prepared piano and prepared trio (fl, cl in Bb, vc) (12′) (2010-12)
Pèlerinage Fantastique (Fantastic Pilgrimage) for prepared string quartet (12′) (2010/12)
Scherzo Silenzioso (Silent Scherzo) for prepared wind quintet mouthpieces (8′) (2010)
Danse Canonique (Canonical Dance) for two optional string instruments (6′) (2007/09)
Flüchtige Passion (Fleeting Passion) for clarinet in Bb and cello (6’30”) (2006)
Retroduktion for two percussionists (ca. 18′) (2005)
Sonate (Sonata) for flute and piano (15′) (2004)
Das Hohelied der Liebe (Canticles of Love) – recitative and aria for soprano and piano (words: bible, Erich Fried) (10′) (2003)
Eisregen (Freezing Rain) for prepared large ensemble (15′) (2016-18)
Rituel Bizarre (Bizarre Ritual) for prepared string orchestra / 13 prepared solo strings (12′) (2008-10 / 2014)
De-Kadenz (De-cadence) for sinfonietta (5’14”) (2009)
Danse Canonique 2 (Canonical Dance 2) for 15 prepared strings (7′) (2008)
Danse Macabre (Macabre Dance) for symphonic wind orchestra (3’53”) (2008)
(Dés)Illusion d’un chant ([Dis]Illusion of a song) for prepared singing voice and prepared string instrument(s) (8′) (2017)
Mascarade Nocturne (Nocturnal Masquerade) for (prepared) (female/male/mixed) vocal sextet a cappella (10′) (2016)
In the steppes of Sápmi for (prepared) vocal sextet / mixed choir (SMezATBarB) a cappella (four versions: 6′ 11′ 18′ 21′) (2014-15)
Music Theatre 2 – performance for two, one or no actors and tape (10’10”) (2012)
Poème Parodique (Parodistic Poem) for prepared mixed (5′) or women’s choir (4’15”) (2010-11)
Music Theatre 1 – scene for two female and two male vocalists (16’07”) (2007/09)
Das Hohelied der Liebe (Canticles of Love) – recitative and aria for soprano and piano (words: bible, Erich Fried) (10′) (2003)