Musical Compositions

De-Kadenz (De-cadence)

11 De-Kadenz

Setting Sinfonietta / chamber orchestra.
Period of creation 2009-03-11 to 31.
Duration 5 min 14 sec.
Commission / occasion Commissioned by the institution Smålands Mu­sik och Teater (Swe).
Publisher SMIC.

The long pedal tones in the first part (bars 1-59) should be played as smooth and even as possible, only the occasional so­lo­is­tic attacks are supposed to stick out due to an intense expressivity. In the second part (bars 60-95) the intensity of these solo parts turns to a mechanical and fierce monotony which stays continuous until the last bar, indepen­dent­ly from the grad­u­al­­ly decreasing density.
The rhythm should always be executed with high accuracy.

2009-05-07 Jönköping Sinfonietta
Smålands Mu­sik och Teater in Jön­kö­ping (Swe) – recording