Review Christoph Schulte im Walde 2017 (Dialogues Tremblants) | Ansgar Beste – composer-researcher" /> review Dialogues Tremblants) | Search Results | Ansgar Beste – composer-researcher


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Review Christoph Schulte im Walde 2017 (Dialogues Tremblants)

“By simple means […], Beste achieves amazing effects […]. The usually rigid organ pipe sound gains agility, merges into noisiness or is reduced to its overtones. All with smooth transitions – and […] also something for the eyes of the audience.”

Review Karina Sundkvist 2015 (Dialogues Tremblants)

“Ansgar Beste showed that it is possible to create new organ music without electronics […]. The Acusticum Organ has never sounded like this before, […] he’s not afraid of just this organ or its context rich in tradition.”

Statement Gary Verkade 2018-2 (Portrait / Dialogues Tremblants)

“Ansgar Beste […] doesn’t look for instruments to perform ‘his’ music, he delves into the sound-making process itself in order to discover the music hidden there […] possesses tremendous conceptual ability and […] problem-solving skills […] independence […] not following the trend.”

Six statements from Jan-Oct 2018

Statement Simone Eckert 2018 (Dialogues Rêvants) “Entertaining […] rhetorical and eloquent piece with exciting timbres and rhythms, not only thriving on effects, but creating affects.” …more Statement Tellef Ragnar Heilmann 2018 (Dialogues Sauvages / Rituel Bizarre) “Funny and interesting. […] Shrewdly assembled instruments, […] something uniquely his own and exciting. […]…

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